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Understanding Metal Braces for Orthodontic Treatment in Delhi, India

Understanding Metal Braces for Orthodontic Treatment in Delhi, India

Metal braces are a popular and effective solution for treating various dental problems. 

For you we have an excellent orthodontist on board, with 15 years of experience he is the best in his field DR JASNEET SINGH. For you to know better about metal braces we here at DENTAL WORKS are there to help.

Here's some information regarding metal braces in Delhi, including their cost:

1. Consultation: Begin by scheduling a consultation by just one call at DENTAL WORKS (9315178717) we will fix an appointment with the best orthodontist in Delhi who specializes in braces. He will evaluate your dental condition, discuss your concerns, and recommend the most suitable treatment plan.

2. Metal Braces: Metal braces consist of brackets and wires made of high-grade stainless steel. The brackets are bonded to the front surface of your teeth, and the wires are threaded through them. Over time, the braces gradually move your teeth into their desired positions.

3. Treatment Duration: The duration of metal braces treatment varies depending on the complexity of your case. On average, it can take around 18 to 36 months. Your orthodontist will provide a more accurate estimate during your consultation.

4. Adjustments: Regular visits to the orthodontist are required for adjustments and tightening of the braces. These appointments allow your orthodontist to monitor your progress and make necessary modifications to achieve the desired tooth movement.

5. Oral Hygiene: Proper oral hygiene is crucial when wearing metal braces. Regular brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash are essential to keep your teeth and braces clean. Your orthodontist will provide instructions on maintaining good oral hygiene during the treatment.

As for the cost of metal braces in Delhi, it can vary depending on several factors such as the complexity of your case. It's advisable to consult with the orthodontists to get an accurate cost estimate and understand any additional charges involved.

Remember to discuss the treatment plan, expected duration, maintenance requirements, and cost with your orthodontist before proceeding with metal braces. He will guide you through the process and help you achieve a healthier and more aligned smile.

So what are you waiting for? Get the smile you always desired at DENTAL WORKS!

Call Us Now @ 9315178717



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